So we were in a hall like a
P.E hall and I had my dolls out like the ones i got a couple of years ago but then all of a sudden they disappeared and loads of dogs appeared so of course you know me I stole 2 but then we had to hide so I hid in the corner of the room with the dogs but Voldemort came in the room saying “WHERE ARE MY DOGS GONE “ and I just like popped out of the Corner with the dogs in my hands and I say “idk” and then me and Voldemort had a full on magic fight and of course I won .and then I had to give the dogs back to the owners cause I’m a nice person but then we were in a car with Grace Tracy like the chemist person and Mam but grace had like done something wrong at the chemist like stole something so she had to apologise but then we were back in the hall room and mam asked for the dolls and I had a one with really brown curly hair and a one with black straight hair and a blond one with curlyish hair but I wanted to keep the first two and she could have the last one but I didn’t let her have the first one cause thats s the one I wanted to keep . I went shopping w Voldemort and when I came back my drink spilled and she vid angry at me so then that part ended .and then we were in the car again and grace had to apologise for something she did to Tracy
So I had to look up what some thing meant for you (grace).but I had to connect to the wifi in the chemist but Tracy had blocked our family’s phones and all that from her wifi so I couldn’t use it and then ....the End .
The correct answer is d) All right. It is spelt correctly.
Symbols, Motifs, and Themes in 'The Metamorphosis.'
‘The Metamorphosis’ is a story about Gregor Samsa, a man who one day transforms into a gaint disgusting bug written by Franz Kafka. In the novel, Kafka have made use of symbols (an idea or object used to represent something) and motifs (reoccurring idea or concept that is used in the story) throughout the novel.
Apples are the important symbol that have been used repeatedly used by Kafka. In Bible, apples are considered a fruit of good and evil. When seeing Gregor’s transformation his mother faints, so Gregor fills his pockets with apples for the cure of his wife. He also load some on the back of Gregor, but that injures him which leads to death. Here, apples represents life and death which also leads to its theme.
Spring is another symbol in the novel which is developed after Gregor’s death which symbolizes hope and revewal. These symbols further develop the theme of family duty and responsibility.
I just read through the text and found it was true
Answer: A, C, B, D, B, A, D, C, A