The third answer
Explanation: (I think it's the third answer mainly because in the excerpt it says "...Somehow the mystery of language was revealed to me." After this quote, she began to spell out water, and I think this puts emphasis on her discovery of language.
Commensalism is a type of symbiotic relationship where one party benefits and the other party is not significantly affected. A hermit crab takes over a discarded shell of a snail and uses it for his house. The hermit crab benefits and the snail are not affected - it's already discarded the shell and is nowhere around.
In my opinion, the correct answer is clarity. By using the repetition, the author tries to clarify what this problem isn't - by its nature it isn't Negro, Southern, or Northern. And then, he affirms what it is - it is American. Therefore, he says that compartmentalizing this problem is not going to help. People have to understand it for what it really is - everyone's problem, the problem of the nation itself.