1.EXPRESSED POWERS are those powers that are directly stated
in the constitution
2. IMPLIED POWERS are powers needed by the government to carry out expressed powers
3.INHERENT POWERSare powers needed by a national government because it is a government
i feel my eyes are playing tricks on me again, every time i look i see it...them. with the deep cuts on my skin and my missing teeth around me i try to find my flash light which had flung when i tripped. not being able to find it i get up and run as fast as i can away from them... the hunters. the challenge just started yesterday and already im about to loose, i already lost my team, 1 shot by a hunter with the blood oozing out of her head and the other... never mind.
so no real answer here i just started writing lol
Saddam hussein would eventually invade saudi Arabia
The Cuban Missile Crisis has become one of the critical points in the history of the Cold War. With Soviet nuclear warheads already positioned to strike the America, the world feared that it could be the brink of a third world war. Both superpowers thought house close could be thus, communications between Washington and Moscow were increased.