You need to post the conversation before anyone can answer this.
I will come back to you in the the comments it does not let me write the whole thing right here I have limited characters
They deserve to live no matter what. It wouldn’t be fair for them. If humans were like animal’s and animals were like humans we would see how they would die. Slowly and painfully. It’s not fair for them
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14. Run-on
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If it doesn't make sense on its own, it is not a sentence.
Marx's philosophy is known as "dialectical materialism-." No place is given by him to the soul or the spirit. According to him, religion is the opium of the masses which keeps them in a world of material reality. He adopted the Hegelian dialectic to give a materialist account of social formations. His concept of class conflict is a basic point. Conflicts arise from the desire to control the means of production. He attacked the laissez-faire policy which allows the industrialists and capitalists to exploit the working class without let or hindrance.