Love conquers all love conquers all love conquers all
Answer: The problem with projective tests is that they lack validity and reliability, the two critical aspects of any psychological assessment. Reliability refers to how consistent the results of a given test are: a test that is reliable will yield the same results time and time again
Answer: See explanation
"The fight" was written by Ruskin Bond and it is a story about two boys named Ranji and Suraj. Ranji recently came to town and found a pool that was located in the forest. He got into the pool and had a nice time.
He visited the pool the following day and got in it but then noticed that a boy was staring at him by the poolside. They began to talk and while Ranji was friendly to Suraj, Suraj wasn't friendly and this got Ranji angry and he earned that he was going to beat Suraj.
This led to a fight, they eventually got tired and said that they'll continue the fight following day. They got to the pool the next day, and Suraj challenged Ranji to swim across the pool. This challenge was completed by Ranji and it actually shocked Suraj and he told Ranju that he'll like to learn diving from him. Ranji agreed and they eventually became friends. Ranji also told Suraj to help him become a Pahlawan. They also agreed that no one else would be allowed into the pool without their permission.
The fight teaches us that we should live in love and harmony as fighting is bad.