Hello, the answer is that <u>more school opened</u> in the south.
King James the second created the Privy Council as an alternative to make the colonies less independent. That way, some colonies were controlled by royal governors who reinforced the law of the English Crown.
A government that is ruled over by a religious figure or religious group is known as a theocracy, coming from the Greek word "theos" meaning "god". The word theocracy essentially means "rule by God".
Hermit Kingdom refers to a country that walls its self from the rest of the world.
The new products create many companion products
New products may be defined as any product, service, or idea not currently made or marketed by a company, or which the consumer may perceive as new. New product development is an example of internal strategy in entrepreneurship.
Internal Strategies are strategies for encouraging growth that involve efforts within the company itself.
The dynamics of markets, technology, and competition have brought changes to virtually every market sector and have made new product development one of the most powerful business activities