Given that,
Current exchange rate between India and U.S :
1 Dollar = Rs. 58
Exchange rate between India and U.S a year ago :
1 Dollar = Rs. 55
Above information conclude that the currency of India depreciates whereas currency of united states appreciates.
This is due to the increase in the exchange rate in India. Now, a dollar become more expensive than it a year ago.
So, the Indian rupee depreciated and U.S dollar appreciated.
A marketing message that is highly regarded in today's world, is one that manages to demonstrate business values in the form of procedures, products and services that contain added value in addition to the purely profitable.
As an example that would write a marketing message about a new clothing brand, it would include information that demonstrates that the manufacturing process and raw materials used in making the clothing is sustainable and has a low impact on the environment.
This is a strategy that increases the perception of stakeholders in relation to products, a brand that actually has parameters of sustainability in its processes can demonstrate them through its marketing messages to create value and greater reliability in the brand, being a great differential for consumers.
See explanation section
The primary role of the banking system is to accept deposits from the general public so that the money can be given as a loan to the public in an effective way to foster the economy. It is the safest platform where people keep their money to get a bonus while people borrow money to continue operating.
An example of a cost that is likely to have a direct relationship with products being manufactured is:
direct cost of raw materials.
Other direct costs that affect the cost of the products directly are direct labor costs and direct overhead costs. They are traceable to the products being manufactured. This is why they are called direct costs. They can be attributed to the unit of production. The opposite is the indirect costs of raw materials, labor, and overheads. These costs cannot be traced to units of the product being produced.
It is the task of <u>"Public Relations".</u>
Public relations(PR) is the way associations, organizations and people speak with general society and media. A Public relations authority speaks with the intended interest group straightforwardly or by implication through media with an expect to make and keep up a positive picture and make a solid association with the gathering of people. Examples incorporate official statements, pamphlets, open appearances, and so on and also utilization of the internet.