Today's date is 1/19/2021
Antony's speech was not only impressive and well phrased, but by including proof of crucial props, he won the crowd over and convinced them that the conspirators not only deceived to the people of Rome, but also murdered their King.
The purpose of a Tragic drama is to cause Catharsis, that is pity for the main character who is often a better person than ourselves. The purpose of a Comedy play is to mock people who are worse than us and learn from their mistakes. This was defined by Aristotle, so you can fit this definition into your possible answers.
Answer: A) It is made up of four two-syllable feet.
Explanation: A tetrameter is a line of a verse that possesses four two-syllable feet. A foot is a unit of measurement in which one syllable is stronger than the other one. The variation of the location of the stressed syllable can differ from the type of tetrameter, such as the classical iambic, the trochaic, and the anapestic verse.
Children would drift around the rooms like ghostly shadows