The Summerian Calender was based off the movement of the moon.
Land with waters that drained into the Mississippi River.
Hello brokenheart1! ( I love your username, it's so aesthetically pleasing. )
The kind of primary source document that I find most interesting to analyze are diaries, because I like to see someone's perspective on a subject or time period. It can be quite interesting and gives me a first hand look on a matter through someone else's eyes and opinions.
I hoped that helped, I always enjoy getting brainliest when possible!
From Allikat74 :)
First the act proclaimed 'that all persons born in the USA are hereby declared citizens. Second the act specifically defines the rights of American citizenship. Third the act made it unlawful to deprive a person of any of these rights of citizenship on the basis of race color or prior condition of slavery or involuntary servitude.