Germany is a country that has many aspects that differ from those in America. To begin Germany’s national sport is soccer. Or what they call “füßball.” Just like football it’s widely known and played in all parts. going along sports , sports aren’t done as much in school as they are here. Teens usually play sports in outside clubs. Going along the trend of teens, teen rarely have part time jobs. They’re usually too busy with school. It’s normal for teens to travel with friends or alone. Public transportation is normal along teens. The cost of traveling and youth hostels are relative low. Germany is very close when it comes to family. They believe in keeping a family together and strong. They allow it so that there’s a big enough salary for only one parent to work. The government also pays to help parents support their children. However , Germany does have low birth rates. Europeans in general don’t go to church that much. This leads to more leisure time where they travel and go on vacation more. Being outdoors is normal in German culture. From hiking , rock climbing, kayaking, Or canoeing.
Similarities with German and American culture are also prevalent. Teens in German are into technology and cellphones like teens in America. However , there’s strict usage. Germans love going to the pool like America, especially in the summer. They’ll have elaborate water parks and outdoor pools. They also celebrate Christmas. In major cities they’ll put a hint Christmas tree in the center. They open gifts and have family dinners too. Germany is country with a variety of culture and traditions.
Wir gratulieren dem Großvater
Die Zigarette schadet der Gesundheit
Du dankst den Eltern
Er verzeiht einer Freundin
Sie vertraut dem Vater
Die Kinder hören der Mutter zu
Er glaubt einem Freund
Der Film gefällt den Leuten nicht
Das Eis schmeckt dem Mädchen nicht
Der Koffer gehört einem Tourist
Die Jacke passt dem Kind nicht
Der Salat schmeckt den Gästen
Die Kinder helfen dem Opa
Der Hut gehört einem Herrn
Der Hund folgt der Dame
Der Kopf tut dem Mann weh
Wir hören der Lehrerin zu