They are inter-related with each other.
There is a great relationship present between evidence, conclusions and theories because evidences are those materials due to which a hypothesis can be verified and we can draw conclusion. When we repeat the same experiment and find out the same conclusion so it becomes theory and when these theories can't change with the passage of time, it becomes law. So evidence, conclusions and theories are inter-related to each other.
D. A silent variant near the 5' end of the TBX1 gene.
TBX1 gene is wild type human being. It gives instructions for making protein called T-box 1. It plays an important role in tissue formation and organs during embryonic development.
Parts of the golgi apparatus break off into transport vesicles. These vesicles are especially important after protein synthesis when finished products of proteins need to be transported elsewhere within the cell's membrane or outside the cell.
Disruptive selection describes changes in population genetics in which extreme values for a trait are favored over intermediate values.