The day of September 15<span> is significant because it is the anniversary of independence for </span>Latin<span> American countries </span>
Tomales foto más cerca solo al dibujo para ayudarte, no se distingue bien
1. vengo
2. hospital or doctor or pharmacia
3. vamos
4. estamos
5. estoy
6. estan
7. vienes
8. estamos
<u>N</u>o<u>s</u>o<u>t</u>r<u>os</u> <u>nun</u>ca <u>hablamos</u>.
To attract more attraction and concentration of students.
To make feel students like they are enjoying learning ,not thinking learning as a burden of their life.
To make teaching and learning process well and more effective.
To create enjoyable environment and feeling of having access to all modern tools and techniques in students.