Heyyyy this is the answer
This is more of a personal essay question, so there is no right answer, but if you're stuck and can't think of anyting to write I'll help.
So far, life in seclusion is going well. Everything seems to be going slower than usual. I am also unable to go see my friends because of this quarantine. But, this time is allowing me to be able to figure out new ways of entertainment, spend more time with my family members, and focus more on my hobbies.
Again, since this is a personal essay question, there is no right answer. Feel free to edit this paragraph to fit you and your feelings about the quarantine.
I once watched a movie called The White House Down. it was a really good movie and I replayed it many times. the movie talks about a betrayers from the security department of the white house causing a gang to steal it and threaten other countries with nuclear weapons of the United States. I loved it so much and I hope to see movies like it again in the future.