Answer: His knowledge
The Community is one of many Utopian though totalitarian communities run by a small group called the "Elders". One of the main distinctions of these communities is "Sameness"- the idea that everything, and everyone, should be the same. Is this the same person!
B) explaining a technical or scientific idea.
You only need to quote something if the words belong to someone else from a signed article, or paper. Or if somebody is speaking.
The narrator is confused because it its unclear why does he live in a shabby home.
The civilian that the author is talking about in the passage had been retired from the service of the Hussars at a very young age of thirty five. Even though he settled in a wretched and a little village, still the life style he had was extravagant.
It was not clear to the people living in the surroundings that why was he living in such a shabby place. At his home, champagne flowed like water and the officers of high post of the regiment used to come for dinner. Even after this, he always used to be dressed shabbily so it was very confusing for the people living in the surroundings.
Slim makes Curley agree to saying that he got his hand crushed in a machine in order to keep George and Lennie from being fired. He threatens to let everyone know that Curley is weak because he lost the fight. George tells Slim that he used to play tricks on Lennie but doesn't anymore.
<u>Proverbs</u> and <u>adages</u> are familiar phrases that share advice or messages about truths.
This pair of terms refers to brief expressions of axioms, maxims, or common wisdom. This knowledge is often conveyed via metaphor in proverbs and adages. In a metaphor, two items or ideas are directly compared. The easiest way to understand proverbs is to see them as metaphors rather than exact statements.