Answer: Self-expression is about communicating your individuality. This can be through words, clothing and hairstyle, or through art forms such as writing, drawing, music and dance. Self-expression can help you to showcase your true self your story, your thoughts, feelings and emotions.
During the french revolution in 1789, they came up with new policies and concepts of human rights and universal civilisation, policies in the favor of the french citizens and other such other changes took place.
The Haitian revolution in 1791 was influenced by the French Revolution and it was led by the slaves who fought for their rights and freedom and ending the system of white slave owners and they were succeeded not just to end the slavery but to gain control over the French colony.
The Haitian Slave resistance had a worldwide effect that came to past the island. A portion of these impacts included loss of land and assets for the frontier French realm, expanded worry of future slave uprisings in the United States.
Newton discovered gravity. The discovery of gravity .. Newton argued that the main force in the universe, although it was very much clear to Newton that gravity basically affected all objects on Earth and including in space.
Answer: I got it.
The records of de las Casas could be considered trustworthy as they match with other historical accounts of what happened to the Ingenious people.
They used their army and warriors to rule their empire, and the people feared them, giving the Aztecs control over the people