The 1896 Supreme Court case which resulted in the "separate but equal" doctrine was Plessy v. Ferguson. Plessy v Ferguson allowed state-sponsored segregation in public facilities, such as bathrooms, public school and transportation. Even when this legislation was scrapped, there were groups in the South still fighting for it to be upheld.
He believed it was essential for the Union that states maintain strong, autonomous state governments.
If the states were enfeebled, then discord would grow between them even more and people would not be fond of the federation as they would feel it was foisting unjust laws on them.
I hope this helps, and my apologies if it somehow is incorrect.
No one shall be held in slavery; slavery and the slave-trade in all their forms shall be prohibited.
No one shall be held in servitude.
Site of the first permanent English settlement in American in 1607
One bad thing tha happened was that the Muslims views on Crusaders and Europeans as a people was drastically worsened. And it's obvious why this happened; they came to their lands and wanted to reclaim them despite not having any real and legitimate claim to these lands.