Although family heirlooms are commonly disregarded in estate planning talks, they play a crucial part in the doctrine of one's heritage. Estate planning frequently misses tangible personal property, such as jewelry, furniture, art, clothing, pets, and home goods. When the recomposed pass their possessions on to their loved ones. Tensions might develop since the property's value is often more furtive than monetary.
Expository text gets to the point rather quickly. It is intended as education rather than just narrative text. An example of narrative text is the Excerpt by Charles Dickens which is meant to draw a picture of what this woman was like.
So the last one is out.
The first one talks about volcanoes and how they are classified. That's one of your answers if you are trying for brevety and education.
I think the second one would also be a choice. It is trying to show you the nature of anxiety and what causes it. You learn a lot about symptoms from reading it. It's quick and to the point. Expository? Yes.
I don't think four is exactly expository, but I might be wrong. It sounds too argumentative to be completely expository. It wouldn't be my first choice even though I have read Twain a great deal, beginning in my teens. He always has something pointedly funny to say about the human condition. So it's hard for me not to include him in anything. It's not exactly narrative either. The tough ones are three and four.
Three tries to tell you what it would be like to live in another country. I think it likely is the choice you are looking for.
Answers 1,23. I could be wrong, so if you have a different answer in mind, go with it.
Answer is C they write report and they need date to right reports.
C: A power point presentation
While a sense of humor is helpful in certain situations, in serious presentations, this is not you need. Images are helpful, but not as important as other factors. It is better to have specific points and ideas memorized rather then reading off a script. A powerpoint presentation makes it better to cover all topics and include important ideas in a useful way.
Please tell me if this is wrong :)
Despite her real feelings about the Prince of Morocco, Portia answers him politely and reassuringly. Since the irony of her words is not apparent to him, his feelings are spared. She tells him that he is "as fair / As any comer I have look'd on yet / For my affection." She shows Morocco the honor his rank deserves.