In 1859, a man in Solferino, Italy, watched as 40,000 people died due to a war. His name was John Henry Dunant. Dunant led a group of volunteers to help those wounded people, as hospitals were overflowing. Dunant made a pamphlet in 1862 called "a Memory of Solferino" which he told everyone about what had happened. The pamphlet ended with the plea, "Would it not be possible to found and organize in all civilized countries permanent societies of volunteers who in time of war would give help to the wounded without regard for their nationality?" His idea became well known, and a meeting was held in Geneva, Switzerland, Dunant's very own country. They discussed the formation of those societies. It was attended by people from 16 countries and many charitable organizations. They formed the idea for the soon to be Red Cross.
They persuaded their own individual governments to ratify what is now known as the first Geneva Convention. By 1869, many red cross societies were formed, and 22 countries signed the Geneva Convention. There were four Geneva Conventions all together. The first one protects victims of land battles, the second protects victims of sea battles, the third Convention protects prisoners of war, and the fourth and final convention protects enemy aliens. These principles make up over half of the international welfare laws. Their seven main principles are, Humanity, Impartiality, Neutrality, Independence, Voluntary service, and Unity.
The modern red cross has over 200,000,000 volunteers from 135 countries. All across the world these people are working to achieve the same goal.
Athens was its undisputed leader and gradually used the alliance as a springboard for its own imperial ambitions. By 454, when the League's treasury was transferred to Athens and used to fund monuments of imperial splendor such as the Parthenon, it had become an empire in all but name.
This money was supposed to build the power of the league. ... The result of the Delian League's treasury being moved to Athens from Delos was Athens power was strengthened and they starting to treat the other members of the league as if they were conquered people, not allies.
The correct answer is B. The United States assumed that they would be first into space, before the Soviets.
During the Cold War, there was a strong dispute between the United States and the Soviet Union to develop spatial technology and send rockets, satellites, and similar to the space. In this context, the U.S. leaders and scientists strongly believed the U.S. would be the first one into space because there had been huge advancements in this area. However, in 1957 the Soviet Union launched Sputnik 1, which was the first satellite in the space. Additionally, this unexpected victory of the Soviet Union caused a loss of confidence in the United States.
It’s to teach the kids what they are doing wrong and to make them better humans.
B. I believe it was Puerto Rico. I just did an essay on Puerto Rico last semester.