When writing an essay like this, I would devote one paragraph to talking about how supply and demand dictate prices, and another paragraph to how international trade fuels economic growth.
There were a number of factors involved.
This is a summarized version of my answer which for some reason was blocked.
Growth of nationalism throughout Asia and opposition to European colonialism and imperialism.
Development of an educated nationalist elite who could analyze the need for independence.
The impact of the Japanese defeat of European powers throughout Asia during WW2.
I'm 90% sure it's 2000 because urban areas now a days are overcrowed and cities have increased in size from the 1900's and the rest are pretty much both more for the 1900'spam than now but what I think it's more towards 2000's
Your answer is A: a date
BCE (Before Common Era) and BC (Before Christ) mean the same thing- previous to year 1 CE (Common Era). This is the same as the year AD 1 (Anno Domini); the latter means “in the year of the lord,” often translated as “in the year of our lord.”