The question is asking to state the predator that is typically found in Central Africa and slays its opponent through a rapid application of venomous strike, in my own research, the possible answer would be the Black Mamba. I hope you are satisfied with my answer and feel free to ask for more
El fascismo transformó exteriormente la sociedad italiana, como se evidencia en la creación de un estado de partido único, que pretendía penetrar en todas las facetas de la vida, ya sea la economía, la educación, las actividades de ocio o la vida familiar y privada.
Corrígeme si estoy equivocada.. :)
The Soviet system of government did not allow its people to choose their own leaders, which the United States thought was wrong.
Kinda of thinking it would be Denied PRI ( Partido Revolucionario Institucional) Control of congress and paved way for multiparty democratic rule