"I found myself in a big hall girded at half its height by a gallery."
Like....I need a bit more information because nobody is going to just know what to do with just that, we have no details on why we are choosing specific options. This needs more info.
Every plant and animal plays a role in the ecosystem (for example, as a source of food, a predator, a pollinator, a source of shelter), so losing one species can affect many others. What can people do about it? ... People can help these animals adapt by protecting and preserving their habitats.
Gothic literature is a literary genre that fuses elements of horror, fiction, terror, death, curse and romance.
Star Wars is called a space opera because that’s the name of the genre. I understand that its a circular answer it that level because it does not explain how the space opera genre got its name.
Space operas have stories with showy drama that is very shallow when analyzed. There are good good guys, bad bad guys and no one in between. There are love stories without mundane dating. There are battles between empires without questioning why each side is the way it is.
There are several stories on way the name space opera emerged for the genre. See other responses for “horse opera” and “soap opera”. But I suggest the the similarity with stage operas is more apt than you seem to think.
Stage operas have stories with showy drama that is very shallow when analyzed. There are good good guys, bad bad guys and no one in between. There are love stories without mundane dating. There are battles between kingdoms without questioning why each side is the way it is. Very parallel!
sorry I know you said 3 examples but you know :|