It shows the geographic distribution of the monthly or annual average values of climatic variables such as temperature, precipitation, relative humidity, percentage of possible sunshine, isolation, cloud cover, wind speed and direction, and atmospheric pressure over regions ranging in area.
Darwin is a great example. He created the theory of evolution, but because of the church ridiculing him, he couldn't come forth with his findings. Some parts of science may seem outlandish to society, and that can be very difficult to deal with.
Mountain, Canyon, Delta
The uppermost box would be mountain.
The box below that one would be canyon.
And the farthermost box to the right would be delta.
If you thought about it, changing those circles to make them 3D is like stacking layers on top as they get smaller, this would form something that looks like a mountain.
Water typically runs through a canyon and the lines appear to be separating for the water.
Deltas are wetlands that form from rivers emptying their water into another body of water. If you were to look up an image of a delta that would make it easier to understand, it also looks like what the image provided is trying to demonstrate.
A wide range of migration data is collected and disseminated in Europe at national and, sometimes, subnational level. Institutional and legal frameworks have been developed by the European Union (EU) with the aim of ensuring that migration data are of high quality, comparable across countries as a result of harmonization (as established in the legal basis) and easily accessible. A continuous process of political dialogue is in place to ensure that the frameworks keep pace with increased demands for information and knowledge.
I know the rocky mountains are one.