The LA Riots were a series of violent protests in reaction to the acquittal of 4 Police Officers for the live beating and murder of Rodney King.
The Riots began April 29th and ended 5 days after on May 3rd.
The Rioters used vicious methods of Looting, property damage, arson, murder and assault. The effects of the decision created widespread and complete chaos accross LA. It had only died down after the Military, National Guard and FBI, DEA, And ATF and 7 more Law Enforcement agencies came all at once to calm it down.
The full extent of the Riots had caused the Largest military occupation of a city within the states we've ever seen. Totally to 13,500 military members. As well as the strictest curfew the states had ever seen. Soon after the Curfew was lifted and the military withdrew the troops. Some staying a whole month after the whole ordeal to keep the peace.
Although there are numerous factors that can affect a counties GDP, especially today when the entire world is so "connected", a major reason why GDP fluctuates so much in this part of the world is that these economies rely primary on agriculture, which can be profitable one year and then not profitable the next, due to weather changes.
The company towns reinforced it by having special wages for people of different ethnicity or by racially profiling and segregating those that they didn't want to be equal with Caucasian workers. This caused an even bigger drift between people and distrust to arise.
Networking is basically getting to know your peers/colleagues. It is useful because if you know someone well, you can work better with them.
Poverty spread during the Great Depression, because of skyrocketing prices of needed things, which led to people not being able to take care of themselves
hope this helps