Why did the south defend slavery so vigorously even though only 25% of the ... After 1830 - A number of factors (outlined below) forced southerners to change their defense. Instead ... If one considered that a slave in 1850 was worth $2000 then losing 200 slaves would mena a loss of $400,000. ... Early Childhood Education
American Indians occupied Alcatraz Island in 1969 as a show of protest against the United States's constant choice to overlook or misrecognize rights and responsibilities set by treaties between tribes and the US government. Additionally (and more importantly) it was a retaliation against the theft of tribal land by the federal government. Protesters believed that if the federal government could illicitly occupy tribal lands, tribal members could just the same occupy federal lands.
The Occupation of Alcatraz was led by the Indians of All Tribes (IAT) as a form of inter-tribal solidarity. It preceded the more famous occupation of Wounded Knee in South Dakota during the early 1970s. That protest was organized primarily by the American Indian Movement (AIM).
items that went from Europe to the new world
grains- wheat,rice barley,oats
food- turnips,peaches,pears,olives,onions
items that went from new world to europe
animals-llamas,alpaca, turkey no other above 100 pounds
Peppers, sweet potato,tobacco
Imperialism is the right answer.