Animals - A bear might represent courage or danger.
Colors - Black is used to represent death or evil.
White stands for life and purity.
Red can symbolize blood, passion, danger, or immoral character.
Purple is a royal color.
Yellow stands for violence or decay.
Blue represents peacefulness and cal
These are some examples that I learned and found from the internet. I hope this helps you!
In "The New Imperialism, Globalization and Racism" author Howard Winant argued that the global issues we associate with the global north/south, developed/developing, and First/Third World issues, are also deeply racial issues, the book also argued that globalization is a radicalized social structure of domination, by which the governments and transnational corporations based in the lighter skinned global north use international organizations such as the International Monetary Fund, World Bank and World Trade Organization, to dominate and exploit the darker skinned global south. Therefore,the politics of race must be understood in the context of global processes that are spurring the mass immigration of people from South to North and East to West, thereby greatly increasing diversity in Europe and the United States.
Some people say that society do not care who they are and their opinions are not considered so they often feel invisible.
Importing is getting goods, exporting is shipping/ delivering goods
the topics more importants.
You can start by describing the most important topics in your journal, and emphasizing your graduation. For example, exemplify your most important daily activities, running, swimming or cycling, then why you like them, and the pleasure you enjoy.
After, talks about why likes to write, how do you fells, quantify hours per day, between others.