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Matching is as shown below:
1. pronoun with no specific antecedent - indefinite pronoun
2. determined by function - case
3. consistency between subject and verb or pronoun and antecedent - agreement
4. subject case - nominative
5. clarifies or renames preceding noun - appositive
6. clause with implied subject or verb - elliptical clause
7. adjective phrase without word to modify - dangling construction
8. points out which one - demonstrative pronoun
9. two-word pronoun - reciprocal pronoun
the dashes are placed in those spots to add another thought between the larger complete thought.
Noble gases do not want to lose electrons because they have a full outer shell, so their ionization energy will be very high. Their electron affinity is close to zero because they also do not want to attract electrons to their cell since they already have all 8 valence electrons.