My plan to improve my grade is to focus more and be more productive. How?
I'm going to set a scheldue which I need to follow in order to finish my tasks and school work. I will also be more engaged in class by asking questions and sharing my ideas. I will continue my good work to be more succesful, In the future I will be who I wanted to be.
Answer: In Greek mythology, the Titan Prometheus had a reputation as being something of a clever trickster and he famously gave the human race the gift of fire and the skill of metalwork, an action for which he was punished by Zeus, who ensured everyday that an eagle ate the liver of the Titan as he was helplessly chained to a rock.
Prometheus (meaning "Forethought") was one of the ringleaders of the battle between the Titans and the Olympian gods led by Zeus to gain control of the heavens, a struggle which was said to have lasted ten years. Prometheus did, however, switch sides and support the victorious Olympians when the Titans would not follow his advice to use trickery in the battle.
According to Hesiod's Theogony, Prometheus' father was Iapetus, his mother was Clymene (or Themis in other versions) and his brothers were fellow Titans Epimetheus (Afterthought or Hindsight), Menoetius, and Atlas. One of Prometheus' sons was Deucalion, an equivalent of Noah, who survived a great flood by sailing in a great chest for nine days and nights and who, with his wife Pyrrha, became the founder of the human race.
In some traditions, Prometheus made the first man from clay, whilst in others, the gods made all creatures on Earth, and Epimetheus and Prometheus were given the task of endowing them with gifts so that they might survive and prosper. Epimetheus liberally spread around such gifts as fur and wings but by the time he got around to man, he had run out of gifts.
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Ill space it out.
This week, though, a computer called Alpha Gode feats the world’s best player of Go. It did so by “learning” the game, crunching through 30 million positions from recorded matches, reacting and anticipating. It evolves as a player and taught itself.
That single game of Go marks a milestone on the road to the“ technological singularity” ,the moment when artificial intelligence becomes capable of self-improvement and learns faster than humans can control or understand.
When students learn integrity in classroom settings, it helps them apply similar principles to other aspects of their lives. Most K-12 educators recognize that the students they teach today will become the leaders of tomorrow. Academic curriculum is constantly updated to meet the increasing demands of a changing knowledge society.