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This gap between user-designer communications <span>can cause a good project to go bad i</span>f the user is not able to process what is required to be fixed in order for the project to run smoothly. The user may have one way of fixing something while the designer has another. In this case, the designer understands how the project fully works while the user does not and this may end up compromising the whole project.
The law that “designers are not users” and “users are not designers” should always be followed.
The Answer Is: "Microsoft".
import java.util.Scanner;
public class num8 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner in = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Enter month's budget");
double monthBudget = in.nextDouble();
double totalExpenses = 0.0;
double n;
System.out.println("Enter expenses Enter zero to stop");
n = in.nextDouble();
totalExpenses += n;
System.out.println("Total expenses is "+totalExpenses);
System.out.println("The amount over your budget is "+ Math.abs(monthBudget-totalExpenses));
- Using Java programming language
- Prompt user for month's budget
- Use Scanner class to receive and store the amount entered in a variable
- Use a do while loop to continuously request user to enter amount of expenses
- Use a variable totalExpenses to add up all the expenses inside the do while loop
- Terminate the loop when user enters 0 as amount.
- Subtract totalExpenses from monthBudget and display the difference as the amount over the budget