Hunter-gathering tribes
small towns and nomadic groups
city-states and small kingdoms
From the era of Reconstruction to the end of the 19th century, the United States underwent an economic transformation marked by the maturing of the industrial economy, the rapid expansion of big business, the development of large-scale agriculture, and the rise of national labor unions and industrial conflict.
In the study of ancient history or theology the concept of "myths' is very important because in both of the fields and even in philosophy scholars always try to stretch the past to justify the present, in this sense myths are the carrier of perception of reality is a matter of debate among the scholars but it is very true that the mythological myths in all religions/civilisations posses a dogma of being sacred due to its longevity and moral ideas. On the basis of these two ideas can we argue that 'the construction of present reality' is under challenge because some how it has been associated with the idea of "myths" in the past.
<em>The correct answer is A. People have the right to overthrow a government that violates their rights
John Locke developed the concept of natural law and stated in his book "Two treatises of government", that under natural law, all people have the right to life, liberty and heritage and contributed to the concept of Social Contract addressed by several enlightened thinkers, that under the "Social Contract" people could instigate a revolution against the government when it acted against the interests of the citizens, to replace the government with one that served the interests of the citizens. Locke considered that the citizen has the right to the revolution and that in certain circumstances, he has the obligation to exercise it to safeguard the people against tyranny.
While Locke believed it correct that the government was represented by a constitutional monarchy, ie a monarch supported by a parliament, he was against all absolute monarchy and conceptually did not give the monarch the place to care for a people without sanity but rather gave the State the priority of protecting the citizen against injustice. He said that injustices are what alter the natural state of tolerance and good judgment of citizens sometimes leading him to act with justice by their own hand and it is the State that must guarantee the right to life, property and freedom, to maintain the social order and give rise to the prosperity and happiness of individuals.
Locke was the son of Puritan Protestants and at the time of the Glorious Revolution he was living in the Netherlands and certainly supported this revolution.