That may fell you BETTER!
And don't be SAD..
Since the 2nd amendment right to bear arms allows American citizens the right to own Grizzly bear arms, life without the right to bear arms would be quite terrible, considering the great need for bear arms in ones household.
It was against the law and if he did it out in the open people would have protested that we weren't at war with Cambodia and Laos. The North Vietnamese were getting supplies from both of those countries so he thought if he bombed them he'd stop their supplies from coming in.
Taxes are needed for a day to day life. They pay for the government to continue to be able to work properly and do the things they promise to do, without money they would be unable to do the basic things that are promised in the constitution and be worthless. They support the economy because without them the government would have no money to make the money we use, therefore making our money slowly run out.