Las especies invasoras son animales, plantas u otros organismos que se desarrollan fuera de su área de distribución natural, en hábitats que no le son propios o con una abundancia inusual, produciendo alteraciones en la riqueza y diversidad de los ecosistemas. Cuando son transportados e introducidos por el ser humano en lugares fuera de su área de distribución natural, consiguiendo establecerse y dispersarse en la nueva región se les denomina especies exóticas invasoras resultando normalmente muy dañinas
Well part of the water cycle is evaporation which come from heat which you get from the sun. When the water evaporates it goes into clouds so then it can rain.
Hope this Helps
No, when the concentration of carbon dioxide is high, such as in peripheral tissues, CO2 binds to hemoglobin and the affinity for O2 decreases, causing it to release.
The O2 molecule is reversibly combined with the heme portion of the hemoglobin. When the partial pressure of O2 is high, as in the case of pulmonary capillaries, for example, the binding of O2 to hemoglobin and the release of carbon dioxide are favored, this is known as the Haldane effect. If, on the contrary, when the concentration of carbon dioxide is high, such as in peripheral tissues, CO2 is bound to hemoglobin and the affinity for O2 decreases, causing it to release, this is known as the effect Bohr.