I think the answer is A but trust your self what do you think is the correct answer
Fear in Literature Introduction
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Fear in Literature
The subject of fear, whether in the form of neurotic anxiety or supernatural terror, is among the most prevalent in literature. A common element in the motivation of character and a dominant motif in contemporary fiction, the psychological and aesthetic qualities of fear have demanded the attention of literary critics since classical antiquity. Generally, critics see the specifics of literary fear both as a function of historical time and as a constant feature aroused by the human dread of the unknown or unknowable. The latter sort of fear has since been largely identified with the term Gothic, which was culled from the eighteenth-century vogue of the romantic novel of terror in a medieval setting. Popularized by such writers as Ann Radcliffe and Matthew "Monk" Lewis, the Gothic novel gave way to the modern genre of horror fiction with its ubiquitous treatment of supernatural forces that conspire to victimize and destroy human beings. Writers in this vein exploit what have become stock effects—the physical isolation of the protagonist, suspense and misdirection, and the introduction of a shadowy "other" or mysterious evil—to excite readers. A parallel line of development in the literature of fear is illustrated by the work of Edgar Allan Poe, in which psychological aberration coupled with an evocation of the uncanny and the macabre play the primary roles in creating an atmosphere of terror.
Hi. Although you submitted a text, you did not submit any questions related to it. This prevents me from giving you any answers. However, when searching for your text on the internet, I was able to find it in a question that asked for the central idea of this text to be explained. If that's the case with your question, I hope the answer below can help you. If this is not the case with your question, the explanation below will make you better understand the text above, which will make your search for answers easier.
The main idea of a text is the message that the author expects you to understand after reading. After reading the text above, we can see that the main idea is the idea of how participation in a jury should be understood as something important and essential in our lives as citizens. This is because, according to the interpretation of the text, the author shows that the participation of a jury gives an example to children and young people, about how this participation is important and it is a social duty that allows the exercise of justice in the country. This is a duty to the country, society and citizens. Thus, when a citizen refuses the call to participate in a jury, he erases all the importance that this act means for everyone's life and acts as if the jury were something trivial, setting a bad example for the next generations.
A. Casca firmly reverses his position about including Cicero, as if he hadn't been the one to suggest it in the first place
C. Casca thinks he is making important decisions when Brutus is really the one leading the way
The ironic thing about discussing whether or not to include Cicero in the conspiracy is that Casca firmly reverses his position about including Cicero, as if he hadn't been the one to suggest it in the first place and Casca thinks he is making important decisions when Brutus is really the one leading the way.
An action becomes ironic when the eventual outcome is different from the intended outcome.
Time is as slow as a snail:
It desribes time, to a snails speed