The great stink was dangerous due to its impact on London, thought to transmit the Cholera outbreak at that time.
The Great Stink was caused by humans, as at the time, feces was drained into the Thames. However, due to a hot summer in 1858, the feces smelt even worse. To add to the problems, the Thames river got polluted because of this unreliable sewer system.
During his 25 year reign Mansa Musa worked to ensure peace and order in his empire. He converted to Islam and based his system of justice on the Quran. In order to ensure prosperity and peace in his kingdom, he did not impose Islam on the people, but promoted religious freedom and tolerance.
The economic term describes the rate at which products are manufactured would simply be "production rate", which in a market economy is determined mostly by the consumer demand.
Answers are given below :
1. The Umayyad Islamic empire did not face any Dark Ages during the Middle Ages as they were expanding there empire. During this time they have won many Christian land territories. Spread their empire in Spain and Asia. Art was flourished.
2. The term Dark Ages referred to describe the Middle Ages because of the lack of quality in literature and culture in this period. During this era, the Black Death (plague) widely spread in Europe. The 100 years of war between France and England and starvation because of climate change in Europe led to devastation.
3. Europeans went for the crusade to be protecting Christendom and stop the expansion of Muslim states. During that period, Muslim rulers were becoming powerful as they were spreading their empire across Christian land. Crusaders went to recapture territories that were part of Christian.
4. Constructing a cathedral shows people devotion to the church and its believes. During the Middle Ages people faced many problems and deaths in their family. By having a Cathedral, people can see the power and holiness by praying to god.
5. Romanesque churches created with large wall round and pointed arches. It also had vaults, and piers for columns. Romanesque architecture arrived in Europe after crusades.
6. The Middle Ages books in Europe considered being works of art for several reasons. Books in those time were handmade, which took years to complete. Majority of books were symbols of knowledge and attribute of God. Monks in monasteries played a role in creating thees books with vibrant colors, illustrations, painting, designs, calligraphy and ornaments with gems, gold and silver.
The war was actually between Japan and USSR, not Russia. It was fought on land belonged to China with US and Western allies watching and supporting the Chinese govt.
Japan was the aggressor and invaded part of China bordering USSR. To protect its own interests in China, USSR fought off Japan and took over the puppet govt in Manchuria set up by Japan. It allowed USSR to spread communism to China which turned into a communist country later. US and Western allies won WWII but were alarmed to see the spreading of communism. That confrontation was the beginning of the cold war.