I am definitely sure that complete statement looks like this: According to social penetration theory, the breadth dimension concerns the number of topics disclosed whereas the depth dimension concerns the level of detail in topics disclosed. <span>Social penetration theory explains the differences between various levels of </span><span>interpersonal communication</span> in relation to the depth of interpersonal relationships.
def main():
num = int(input("Input a number to check for prime: "))
if num > 1:
for i in range(2,num):
if (num % i) == 0:
print("%d is not a prime number" % num)
print("%d is a prime number" % num)
print("%d is not a prime number" % num)
if __name__ == "__main__":
Solution retrieved from programiz.com.
Note, this program uses the idea of the Sieve of Eratosthenes to validate the input number by using the modulo operator to determine primeness.
The program will output to the user if the number input is indeed prime or not.
Bill Gates, Paul Allen
The two founders of the mega-tech giant are Bill Gates, and Paul Allen. Hope this helps!
SELECT Count(order_invoice) as number_of_invoices, Max(order_invoice) as maximum_invoice, Min(order_invoice) as minimum_invoice, Avg(order_invoice) as average_invoice
FROM vendor JOIN invoice ON invoice.id = vendor.id
WHERE order_invoice > 1
ORDER BY number_of_invoices DESC
The select statement of the SQL or structured query language returns twelve rows of four columns from the inner join of the vendor and invoice table in a database where the order_invoice column in the invoice table is greater than one. The result of the query is ordered by the alias column "number_of_invoices" in descending order.
The most serious threat to offshore industrial systems is external access to control systems. Unwanted access to the human/machine interface (HMI) can allow third parties full control of a system. Zybersafe provides protection of the integrity of data that traverses the Ethernet connection between a company’s headquarters and a remote system.