The answer is autosomes.
a human diploid somatic cell (2n), there are 22 chromosomes
present in two copies and 1 pair of sex chromosomes. This means
there are 23 pairs of chromosomes - 22 pairs of autosomes and 1
pair of sex chromosomes. There are in total 46 chromosomes (23 pairs
in 2 copies: 23 × 2 = 46).</span>
C because the paragraph
---"The internet does not claim to operate by any particular ethical standards, still less high ones. Some have called it a ‘wild west’ but I would prefer to use the term ‘ethical vacuum’,” he wrote.
----"Bloggers and others who write on public topics can act with impunity, he states. Newspapers, however, already have ethical codes and promise a quality product. "
The phrase internet is used in both paragraphs which is related to technology.
Independent Variable is what you change in an experiment. A Dependent Variable is what you’re trying to find out. Constants are what you keep that same. Control Group is the standards to which comparisons are made.
TritionalshiftsofEscherichiacoliB/rtorichermediahavebeenanalyzedinsynchronouslygrowingandexponential-phasepopulations.Earlyperturbationsinthetimingofcelldivisionwereobserved.Attheslowgrowth,divisionpro-gressedatarateequaltoorlessthanthepreshiftrateforabout1h.Atintermediategrowth,bothdelaysandaccelerationindivisionwereobserved.Theextentoftheperturbationdependedupontheageofthecellsatthetimeoftheshiftandthecompositionofthepreshiftandpostshiftmedia.TheperturbationwasdifferentinthetwosubstrainsofE.coliB/r I got this from hopefully it helps you
Some versions have more steps, while others may have only a few. However, they all begin with the identification of a problem or a question to be answered based on observations of the world around us.
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