False because there were priests and there were no councils elected by citizens
The 25th Amendment outlines the rules of succession to the U.S.
Presidency and Vice Presidency in the event of either or both of them
dying, withdrawing or being removed from office.
Great Britain was fully industrialized with it's cities having smoke coming out of it's factories from as far as your eyes can see and making materials and products that were traded almost all over the world. Unlike Britain, Russia was the complete opposite. Russia was a mostly had agricultual economy with a serfdom system that was more than 200 years old, having little to no factories and it's products, materials, etc coming from industrialized countries like Britain, France and the various German states at the time.
He is known as an “Indian Killer” because he created the “Indian Removal Act”
The correct answer is B. The distance of the colonies from Great Britain was the factor that contributed to the creation of the documents in the list.
The Mayflower Pact, signed on November 21, 1620 by the Pilgrim Fathers, was the first government document that was operative in the territory of the United States. His objective was to set rules of government for the Plymouth colony, which was about to be created.
For its part, the House of Burgesses of Virginia was the first autonomous legislature founded in America, in 1619. It had operational freedom with respect to the British Parliament, and was in charge of legislating regarding the life of the Virginia colonists and the colony in general.
Finally, the Fundamentals Orders of Connecticut, approved in 1639, were the fundamental rule of the cities located in that region, destined to regulate the organization of the government and the rights of its citizens.
In all cases, these were initiatives by the colonists to regulate their political and civil affairs with autonomy from Great Britain, which is explained by the distance of the metropolis from the colonies. Thus, the settlers understood that they were the ones who best understood their situation, and not the parliamentarians who were thousands of kilometers away in London.