you could do something like fake marketing your own brand. If you have a hobby like bracelet making lets say you could research if people like them or if they don't, you could also do showing the graph of the cost per hour it takes to make, then maybe when presenting you could actually sell your bracelets to prove a point? I'm a senior as well and I haven't even started my project either but this was one of my ideas
4 years old
Sippy cups are the gap between bottle and open cup because they prevent spilling while also giving a child more independence.
So at the age of 4 their child can drink from an open cup without spilling
The theme he is using is <span>soliloquy im doing an assessment on that too and that is one of my questions as well</span>
An attack on the person, or the character of the person, rather than his or her arguments or opinions. A fallacious argument that appeals to the popularity of the claim as a reason to accept it.
Hope this helps