<u>COPA full form or meaning is Computer Operator and Programming Assistant.</u>
Our computers will have system software and application software. Application software would be something like a game or just any general purpose app you've downloaded.
Hopefully, this helps! =)
A drop cap (dropped capital) is a large capital letter used as a decorative element at the beginning of a paragraph or section. The size of a drop cap is usually two or more lines.
a superscript is a character(s) half the height of a standard character and printed higher than the rest of the text.
In word processing, the word indent is used to describe the distance, or number of blank spaces used to separate a paragraph from the left or right margins.
See explaination for how to manage her personal risk
Personal risks can be described as anything that exposes you to lose of money. It is often connection to financial investments and insurance.
The basic things She can do to manage her personal risks are:
1. Saving:
Savings in much ways drastically reduces the percentage of risks and help you build confidence. Savings can help Rhonda manage her personal risks as savings helps one become financially secure and provide safety in case of emergency.
2. Investing:
After savings comes the major process, which is investment. It is rightly said, savings without invested proper is vain. Investment not only gives you returns or generates more profits but also ensures present and future long term financial security.
3. Reduce expenses:
A common man's expenses can never finish except it is controlled. Reduction in daily expenses can give a hike in savings and increase return on investment. Prompt planning can help cut in expenses.