Odysseus first go to the Eumaeus’s because suitors who are trying to overtake his palace might try to kill him, he wants to know if his servants remain loyal to him. He also wants to find out if his wife, Penelope
IT is not a analogy so it has to be a category.
Peeta and Katniss both hold some nightlock berries in their hands. Katniss instructed that when she counted to three, they would each put the berries in their mouths and swallow, since neither wants to kill one another. Nightlock berries are extremely poisonous, and they would kill you even before they reached your stomachs. Before they swallowed, however, the gamemakers stopped the game and declared them both winners.
C. It uses deeply religious content.
25% of spools were thrown out. Hope that helps :) Other than the other guy, who screwed me over also.