yeah moto teuko akdjzjakwidjjsiaap
i honestly don't know
i kbow alot of people ill ask to see if i can get the answer.
I think they could give woman a chance to work instead of slavery because back then half the population was just doing chores.
The ratification of the 18th Amendment was completed on January 16th, 1919 and would take effect on January 17th, 1920. It is important to note that the 18th Amendment did not prohibit the consumption of alcohol, but rather simply the sale, manufacture, and transportation of alcoholic beverages.
American Indian Tribes in and around Washington have invested in the state and their own community through; Tribal governments and their enterprises
Washington State has 29 federally recognized Indian tribes. The tribes have tribal governments improve the lives of both Indians and non-Indians through collection of revenue from gaming and other tribal enterprises. The tribal gaming money enters the Washington economy to generate money in tax revenues for local and state government. In addition to that, the money is used to create jobs and business opportunities for all people of Washington. It aids in paying for housing, health care, public security, transport and environmental resource programs.