King spoke these words in Detroit, two months before he addressed a crowd of nearly 250,000 with his resounding "I Have a Dream" speech at the March on Washington for Freedom and Jobs on August 28, 1963.Several of King's staff members actually tried to discourage him from using the same "I have a dream" refrain again.
The Soviets did not have the same control over their larger neighbor, China. Although the Soviet Union and China enjoyed friendly relations at first, they gradually grew apart.
Other Northern industries--weapons manufacturing, leather goods, iron production, textiles--grew and improved as the war progressed. The same was not true in the South.Aug 23, 2017
What is the south called during the civil war: The confederate states of America
It was "Alexander I" who was the Russian Tsar who refused to surrender to Napoleon in 1812, even after Moscow had been captured and burned, since he suspected (correctly) that Napoleon's army would not be able to endure.