There are no statements listed but the viewpoint of the author
would probably be that of defiance against tyranny posed by the Taliban on this
girl who only wanted to have an education. Their attempt on her life only
hardened her resolved and won her the support of the world.
it makes sense that to control the minds of a mass populist it would be nescessary to slowly desensitize them by introducing bits than over time increase the magnitude of exposure
its like the frog in the pot of boiling water thing: if you put a frog into a pot of cold water than put the pot on to a hot stove, the frog will not jump out if the pot as it does not notice or feel that it is getting hotter (because it is cold blooded, naturally) it will sit until the water bowls and kills it and us none the wiser. however if you simply put a frog into an already boiling pot of water, it will immediately sense the dangerous change in temp and jump out if the pot in an attempt to save it's own life.
B. Johnson supported Medicare and the Civil Rights movement, while Nixon supported state block grants and created stagflation.
a dries up liqwids and fats