British settlers pushed into French and Native American lands, this started the French and Indian war.
Answer: Option D
This was a war that lasted for nine long years between the French and the British. Both the British and the French wanted to colonize the Ohio territory. The British claimed that the part of land between Atlantic and Pacific Ocean belonged to the them.
The French too claimed that it belonged to them as their explorers had visited those places. The rift started when the English men wanted to sell a farmland in Ohio. The French fought that they were the first to explore. British Settlers pushed west into French and Native American lands.Then a war was fought and the British using new strategies won their war.
The answer is Option C: The countries agreed to divide Germany into four zones of occupation.
The Yalta Conference was held on February 4 to 11, 1945. It was a meeting between the leaders of the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union to discuss what would occur with Germany in the postwar reorganization and the rest of Europe. The allies also agreed that Germany would undergo demilitarization and that the nazis would be prevented from remaining active or organized. Stalin insisted on maintaining control of Poland but that he would allow free elections.
James Madison promised the Bill of Rights to the people even before the constitution was ratified. The Bill of Rights protects the basics freedoms of the people like freedom to practice any religion, the right to protest, the right to privacy. If you want a list of the first 10 amendments of the constitution I suggest you look them up.
Banyak interval dalam tangga nada minor natural sama dengan interval yang ditemukan dalam tangga nada mayor: kedua mayor, keempat sempurna, kelima sempurna, dan oktaf.
Ini disebut interval nada dari tangga nada diatonis minor. Misalnya: [C – D – E – F] - [G – A – B – C] ... dan natural minor.