Factory reset or install a new OS without keeping the data.
Answer: (B) Configure the cluster networks
(C) Configure the quorum model
When the fail-over cluster has been created then, configure the cluster network and quorum model tasks performed during configuring the fail-over cluster.
The quorum model are flexible in the window server. We can configure the quorum model when we need to modified the quorum model configuration for the cluster. The software cluster are automatically configure quorum model for the new cluster that is based on the availability of the share storage.
When configuring the fail-over cluster we can perform various cluster network tasks in the system.
Privacy Policy
A privacy policy is a written a document which tells visitors to company's website what information will be collected and what the information will be used for. Simply put, it is a short statement of what you are doing to observe visitors to your website through use of cookies and other third parties like google ads.
An analog-to-digital converter, or ADC as it is more commonly called, is a device that converts analog signals into digital signals. Analog information is transmitted by modulating a continuous transmission signal by amplifying a signal's strength or varying its frequency to add or take away data.
This is the required answer.
B) because it is hard to find cables that have the same standard.
Hope this helps!