A film, also called a movie, motion picture or moving picture, is a work of visual art used to simulate experiences that communicate ideas, stories, perceptions, feelings, beauty, or atmosphere through the use of moving images.
<h2>An image which has, or is created to give the impression of, movement; (in 20th century) specifically = "moving picture"; (also, especially with the) the art form or industry of cinema, television, and video. <u>
or gif</u>
Explanation: Hey bro! Sorry to bother. But have any of your questions got deleted after posting them? I don't know why my question got deleted by a guy.
A list is a collection where the elements are stored in the ordered sequence and it allows access to each of he elements by its position in the sequence. It allows duplicate values to be stored. It also allows insertion of elements and positional access.
A list is one of the three major categories of the Java collections. The other two categories are maps ans sets.
The most serious threat to offshore industrial systems is external access to control systems. Unwanted access to the human/machine interface (HMI) can allow third parties full control of a system. Zybersafe provides protection of the integrity of data that traverses the Ethernet connection between a company’s headquarters and a remote system.
B. To organize information using shapes.