While the invention of the steamboat is often attributed to American inventor Robert Fulton, credit should really go to John Fit
ch. Fitch built four steamboats in the late eighteenth century. These boats traveled successfully on lakes and rivers and were proof that steam could be used to propel boats. Fitch’s boats included more traditional elements as well, such as paddle wheels and screw propellers. By blending tried and true methods of propulsion with new technology, Fitch created functioning steam boats. He forfeited his place in American memory due not to any mechanical failings, but to financial ones. His production and operating costs were too high to make steam travel economically feasible. As a result, many people have forgotten his role in the invention of the steamboat. It wasn’t until after his death that Robert Fulton created a commercially successful steamboat and became known as “the father of steam navigation.” Which of the following sentences should be included in a summary of the text? (1 point) A.Fitch's boats cost too much to make. B.John Fitch combined old methods of constructing boats with new technology to create the first steamboats. C.I think that it would be fun to ride on a steamboat someday. D. It wasn’t until after his death that Robert Fulton created a commercially successful steamboat and became known as “the father of steam navigation.”