Some offsprings look like their parents because we all have different genes. Different combinations of genes for one of these traits create a bunch of different physical attributes. Even though we get all our DNA from our parents, each of us has a unique combination of genes.
The answer is amyloid beta. They clump together and form plaques. The formed plaque can block signals transmitted from one cell to another cell. In addition, the plaque can cause swelling, especially in the area where it is formed. It can also digest the disabled cells. This type of plaque is very common among patients with Alzheimer's Disease.
A scientist may look for patterns in the data to identify trends. This helps the scientist predict new outcomes.
During pulmonary edema, the interstitial space increases resulting to a smaller diffusion. The increased interstitial space makes oxygen not to have enough time to reach the red blood cell resulting to partially oxygenated blood. Using the Fick equation there will be an increase in the level of oxygen coming from the lungs.