It’s an infectious agent that causes disease
I would take my beast guess false. I hope
Enzyme- Peptidase/protease
According to this question, a student is conducting an experiment to determine the roles of molecules in metabolic processes such as digestion. Based on what she found out that the molecule, which itself can be broken down into amino acids, can also break down proteins into amino acids, this suggests that the molecule being described is a PROTEOLYTIC ENZYME.
This is because an enzyme is made up of proteins which can be denatured or broken down into its simplest unit (amino acids) and also, a substance that breaks down amino acid is said to be PROTEOLYTIC.
However, another observation that the molecule is found in high concentrations in the small intestine was made, hence, the enzyme is a PEPTIDASE OR PROTEASE, which are secreted into the small intestine by the pancreas to aid digestion of proteins.
Crossing over is the phenomenon in which exchange of chromtids occur between non sister chromatids and result into recombinant chromatids, which is an important tool for evolution and bring about genetic changes in offsprings as compare to their parents.
No crossing over
If no crossing over occurs, it means no exchange of chromatids between non sister chromatids of homologous chromosomes, then no recombinant chromatids will be formed.
At the end of meiosis II, when four haploid cells are formed, all these cell will contain similar chromosomes as present in parent. Thus chromosomes are non recombinant because of no crossing over.