All nouns (common and proper) name persons, places, things, or ideas. There are differences between them, though.
Common noun: names GENERIC persons, places, things, or ideas (i.e. man, park, planet, religion)
Proper noun: names SPECIFIC persons, places, things or ideas (i.e. Billy, Central Park, Mars, Christianity)
i dont have the answer but i live close to flordia lol
my boi xxgamer5543 got it fam
Well a lot of people can be adictic to technology and it can be bad to health . people considered technology as something to entertain their self but it can be dangerous if you used it too often it can make you less useless in real life .
<u>Classic ethnographies, like those of Malinowski, tend to focus on the feminist view of culture</u>
<u>Classic ethnographies,</u> like those of Malinowski, tend to focus on Holistic view of all aspects of a culture.
<u>Ethnology</u> is the comparative, generalizing part of the cultural anthropology.
Cultural anthropologists in the field rely on the below mentioned evidences
- Participant observation
- Key informants
<u>A example of cultural Anthrology is ethnology</u>
The Anthropologists explore the various aspect of human evolution, they reconstruct the remains of the past societies and civilizations , and they also analyze the cultures and languages of modern people.