Most of the Gods Help the Greeks. The other Gods Could Help the Trojans. but there was a war between the Greeks and The Trojans. The Gods Decided to Help The Greeks.
I Hope This Helped!
It begins in the high mountains of Tibet (southwestern China), flowing northwest through the Jammu & Kashmir region of India and Pakistan, then generally south through Pakistan, ending in the Arabian Sea. The Indus, through a series of dams and canals, provides much of the irrigation and power for central Pakistan.
I hope this helps! :)
Lenin established free education across Russia after the revolution. Children were taught communist beliefs, but they were also taught about the rest of the world. Another benefit was that Lenin established the eight-hour workday, which significantly improved working conditions.
Thomas Jefferson said that all men have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness (though Jefferson did not originally think of the last one). Keep in mind that by "men" he means white, well-off men, not women or slaves.